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9th - 29th July 2026 21 天
最大团体人数 5
活动水平 简单的
定价 US$9,100
领队 南部


印度尼西亚不仅是全球最大的岛屿群,而且是全球拥有528种本土鸟类的国家,使其在本土鸟类数量上位居世界第一。Bird-Photo-Tours Asia的21天鸟类摄影工作坊涵盖了小巽他群岛的六个岛屿——龙目岛、松巴岛、西帝汶、罗特岛、弗洛勒斯岛和科莫多岛,为摄影师提供与众多本土鸟类近距离拍摄的机会,包括塚雉、八色鸫、鹲、翠鸟、鹦鹉、鹦鹉、鸣鹃鵙、吸蜜鸟、鹂、犀鸟、鸮、鹟、摄蜜鸟和啸鹟等。


Lombok Island: 丽色八色鸫 / 棕胸姬鹟 / 橙脚塚雉 / 林加尼山角鸮 / 白尾鹲.

Sumba Island: 华丽八色鸫 / 栗背地鸫 / 松巴皱盔犀鸟 / 小葵花凤头鹦鹉 / 松巴摄蜜鸟 / 爪哇啄花鸟 / 红胁绿鹦鹉.

West Timor & Rote Islands: 帝汶鹰鸮 / 帝汶禾雀 / 帝汶林䳭 / 褐头绿鹦鹉 / 斑胸草雀 / 蓝背仙鹟 / 罗地岛鹰鸮 / 罗地岛摄蜜鸟 / 罗地岛柳莺 / 红腰摄蜜鸟 / 橙斑地鸫 / 绿褐鹂 / 帝汶吮蜜鸟 / 帝汶花蜜鸟 / 彩虹蜂虎 / 黑脸燕鵙 / 白肩鸣鹃鵙 / 五彩文鸟 / 黑脸文鸟 / 斑文鸟 / 金头扇尾莺.

Flores & Komodo Islands: 黄眶绣眼鸟 / 华莱士卷尾 / 梅氏王鹟 / 黑额啄花鸟 / 白腰翡翠 / 白腰翡翠 / 褐冠地莺 / 摩鹿加角鸮 / 华莱士角鸮 / 白喉夜鹰 / 巽他啄木鸟 / 褐冠扇尾鹟 / 帝汶柳莺 / 黄眉冠绣眼鸟 / 冠绣眼鸟 / 裸喉啸鹟 / 鳞顶岩吸蜜鸟 / 金腰啄花鸟.


价格 US$9,100
单一补充 US$630
订金 US$2,547



国际航班 / 签证费 / 旅行保险 / 当地导游小费 / 酒类 / 洗衣 / 个人物品


第1-2天 Bali [1N / 0D / 7S]。抵达 Denpassa国际机场,转移至酒店 [住宿:Bali]。

第2-5天 Lombok Island [3N, 2D, 5S]。搭乘国内航班 Bali - Lombok。
摄影目标:丽色八色鸫 / 棕胸姬鹟 / 橙脚塚雉 / 林加尼山角鸮 / 白尾鹲。

第5-9天 Sumba Island [4N, 3D, 7S]。搭乘国内航班 Lombok – Bali – Sumba。
摄影目标:华丽八色鸫 / 栗背地鸫 / 松巴皱盔犀鸟 / 小葵花凤头鹦鹉 / 松巴摄蜜鸟 / 爪哇啄花鸟 / 红胁绿鹦鹉。

第9-14天 West Timor & Rote Islands [5N, 4D, 9S]。搭乘国内航班 Sumba – West Timor。
摄影目标:帝汶鹰鸮 / 帝汶禾雀 / 帝汶林䳭 / 褐头绿鹦鹉 / 斑胸草雀 / 蓝背仙鹟 / 罗地岛鹰鸮 / 罗地岛摄蜜鸟 / 罗地岛柳莺 / 红腰摄蜜鸟 / 橙斑地鸫 / 绿褐鹂 / 帝汶吮蜜鸟 / 帝汶花蜜鸟 / 彩虹蜂虎 / 黑脸燕鵙 / 白肩鸣鹃鵙 / 五彩文鸟 / 黑脸文鸟 / 斑文鸟 / 金头扇尾莺。

第14-21天 Flores & Komodo Islands [7N, 6D, 13S]。搭乘国内航班 West Timor – Flores。
摄影目标:黄眶绣眼鸟 / 华莱士卷尾 / 梅氏王鹟 / 黑额啄花鸟 / 白腰翡翠 / 褐冠地莺 / 摩鹿加角鸮 / 华莱士角鸮 / 白喉夜鹰 / 巽他啄木鸟 / 褐冠扇尾鹟 / 帝汶柳莺 / 黄眉冠绣眼鸟 / 冠绣眼鸟 / 裸喉啸鹟 / 鳞顶岩吸蜜鸟 / 金腰啄花鸟。

第21天 Flores Airport [0N, 0D, 0S]。搭乘国内航班 Flores – Bali / Jakarta,随后进行国际航班离境。

[关键词: N: 晚上 / D: 全天 / S: 半天]





Nick has been living in Asia for over 15-years and in this time has conducted over 125 bird photography trips across the whole of the Asian continent ranging from Kazakhstan in the west, through India and China to Japan in the east, and from the Kamchatka coastline in the north to as far south as Indonesia. In China alone Nick has photographed to portrait-quality standard over 1,200 of China's bird species taking him to all of China's provinces as well as most of those nations bordering China. These bird photography trips have ranged in length from a few days to many months, including a three-month bird photography expedition to China's Xinjiang Autonomous Region, becoming quite possibly the most travelled foreigner in this region over the past decade. Nick has also conducted a four-month bird photography trek across the Himalayas, ranging from the Indian States of Ladakh and Kashmir in the west, into the Himalayan Kingdom of Bhutan, then onto the Indian States of West Bengal and Sikkim, ending in Arunachal Pradesh and Assam in the eastern Himalayas. Nick has had his images published across numerous media channels including the BBC and Chinese state-owned media outlets, various bird magazines and journals including the Oriental Bird Club's BirdingASIA. He has his own website on the Birds of China at www.BirdingInChina.com and his book 'Portraits of the Birds of China' is due for publication in 2026. Furthermore, Nick has presented films on photographing birds both in Asia and Europe, has his bird images published across many social media platforms within and outside Asia, and has led a number of bird photography lectures and walks, particularly targeted at children. Consequently, Nick has accumulated significant experience of photographing birds within the Asian continent and this expertise has formed the backdrop to setting up Bird-Photo-Tours Asia, trips designed by bird photographers for bird photographers.

简单的 活动水平

(i) 宾馆均靠近鸟类摄影地点 (ii) 步行速度较轻 (iii) 无需徒步或攀爬。 (iv) 所有地点均不在海拔高度 (v) 不提供露营 (vi) 在其中一个地点,全团将共用一间宿舍,住两晚。所有其他住宿都是优质的,包括一些度假村。摘要:由于这些原因,尽管存在第 (vi) 点,但这次旅行仍被评为“轻松”。